We offer a range of Public courses which include: Osteoarthritis Workshop, Twilight Years Workshop, Dog and Cat First Aid, Dogercise and Dogercise Advanced. Please see our monthly newsletters for details on public courses and their dates.

Alternatively you can build and host your own workshop. For more information and the associated costs please send us an email to animalhealths@gmail.com

Online Courses:

Watch this free Webinar to learn more about Canine Hip Dysplasia and to get a taste of what the online course has to offer.  CLICK HERE to watch Dr Tanya's free online Canine Hip Dysplasia Webinar.

SIGN UP for Dr Tanya Grantham's 4 week online course Hip Dysplasia for Beginners. Cost R345.00

Would you like to host your own workshop?

We offer a range of workshops Nationally for our Veterinary Colleagues, Rehab Specialists, Dog Breed Clubs and more.... Please complete this contact form for more information. Courses & Workshops on offer:-


Hip Dysplasia


First Aid

Twilight Years

Energy Healing


Advanced Dogercise

New!!! Canine Kinetics